
Thursday, April 28, 2011


The kids are just getting around to eat their chocolate bunnies.  James loved the eyes!  Haleigh was a fan of the feet!  Either way…the loved it!

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Seriously the prettiest, brightest rainbow I have ever seen.  It was breath taking! It was huge and arced over such a span that I couldn’t get it all in my lens.  I was even shooting from across the street.  If only i could have climbed up on my neighbors roof! 

At such a sight, I am reminded how much God loves us and His promise to always take care of us! 



The Meurers…proof that you don’t have to be blood related to be family.  God has enriched our lives greatly by having our paths cross.  We love you!

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Also proof that Jenna can eat good red meat when Tom comes into towns!!  Thanks for making sure I get my beef fix!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011



James got busted wetting the hair brush and trying to do his hair.  You can see him yelling at me to “stop” taking his picture.  He was totally annoyed that he was caught.

And then there is Haleigh, who rarely takes a nap these days.  I went up to her room and she had konked out in the floor.  Maybe she had too many toys on her bed?!




When it rains it pours and it has been pouring around here.  Since they couldn’t go outside, they laid front of the door and had their apples, wishing they were outside!  _MG_0108_MG_0110 _MG_0111_MG_0113 _MG_0112

Jamesy playing with his reflection in the door.  Kinda creepy looking…lol!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter family, friends, and whoever else checks my blog! :) We are spending the day relaxing and enjoying the kids. Like I told the kiddos at LUMC this morning, I hope your heart is full of joy knowing how much God loves you!

So, we were in Target (imagine that) and we put this hat on JAmesy.  He would NOT take it off, so we bought the whole get up.  He was so stinkin’ cute!! I just can’t believe he actually wore the hat…he normally won’t keep them on his head!!

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Four generations…always thankful for that.  Glad to have mom and maw join me for the early service at church.  Wish they could have stayed the rest of the day…or week…or month…or year…ya’ll ready to move down here yet?! 


And here they are looking for their Easter baskets after church…_MG_0105 _MG_0099 _MG_0101


Time for coloring Easter Eggs!!  I broke out the steamer so we didn’t have to deal with cracked eggs.  We had a good time coloring them.  James didn’t quite get it…he was happy just stirring the colored water.  We all had fun though.

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James's hands got a little green…notice his egg was green too. 

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Big thanks to Chris and YaYa for blowing out my eggs for my children’s moments.



What a crew!!  MACC Easter Egg hunt was fun…even though we had to have it indoors.  Our kiddos are growing up too fast.

**Will add pics of Jamesy too (on a different memory card).

Friday, April 22, 2011


Michelle and Bob…A beautiful family! Glad I got to take this picture! 

We will be entering it into a contest soon for Michelle so look for ways to vote soon! 



Rainy days equal lots of crafts.  I love how Haleigh is just putting on random princess dresses.  I wonder when James will start dressing up at something? 

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I am trying to make hair bows for Haleigh (because I have nothing else to do…lol)  and this was my first one.  _MG_9996

Tuesday, April 19, 2011